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Student Services

  /    /  Student Services

BMSA supports and empowers students with identified disabilities

The Student Services department at Bio-Med Science Academy works to empower all students in being successful as they transition into college or career fields.

As a dimension of this empowerment, special education services are available for eligible students. Those with identified needs will have supports available to them through either an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Section 504 Plan. To qualify for these services, a student must meet eligibility criteria set forth by the State of Ohio. For additional details, please contact:


Chynna Hale

Student Services Coordinator


Valuable resources for students with identified needs

The Individual Education Plan

A Guide to Parents’ Rights in Special Education

The Section 504 Plan

Procedural Safeguards

National testing supports

ACT Accommodation Process

SAT Accommodation Process

ACT Specialized Testing Information for Parents & Students