Designed and built with care, filled with creative elements

Rootstown Campus Main Office: 330.325.6186      Shalersville Campus Main Office: 330.235.9441      Ravenna Campus Main Office: 330.235.9442   

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Akron Public STEM School Cleveland

Fast Facts and FAQs

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It’s a fact!

Bio-Med Science Academy is a public school.

Currently over 1,000 students attend grades K-12.

Bio-Med’s Rootstown classes are located on the Northeast Ohio Medical School (NEOMED) campus in Rootstown, Ohio.

Bio-Med’s Ravenna Campus is in a spacious new building that opened in 2020.

Bio-Med’s Shalersville Campus was once an elementary school across from the Shalersville Town Hall. Then it became a community center. Now it’s an elementary school, once again.  The circle of life rolls on.

There is no tuition to attend any Bio-Med Science Academy schools.

The current average ACT score for Bio-Med seniors is 24.3 in 2021.

The student’s average ACT score improvement is 5.2 points from their 1ST attempt to their last.

Akron Public STEM School Akron

Latin is taught beginning in kindergarten. Latin is, after all, the language of science and math. But it is also the source of stories and mythology and history. Carpe Diem!

Bio-Med’s Accelerated Term is a time for students to explore additional elective course work. Previous electives have included:

  • Coloring Books: Tessellations, FFA Farm Fun! Robot Art and Algorithms
  • America’s Society through Television
  • Cooking and Chemistry
  • Custom Clothing
  • Theater
  • Yoga
  • Bio-Med Choir
  • Origami: The Ancient Art of Paperfolding
  • Drones

Each Campus has a Sensory Maker Space room.

We have partnered with over 180 business professionals to host our seniors for the Senior APEX experiences.

Our students have logged over 51,000 volunteer hours.

95% of Bio-Med seniors go on to four-year colleges and universities.

3% of Bio-Med seniors enter the workforce through apprenticeships and certification programs.

2% of Bio-Med students enter into military service.

Inquiring minds want to know…

Is there a dress code?

All students are required to follow Bio-Med’s dress code:

  • Students must wear:
    • Polo shirts with a collar or a button-down dress shirt. They can be long or short-sleeved and must be of solid color. There may not be any writing or images on the shirts.
    • Khaki/trouser pants or jeans with no holes or shredding. They may be any solid color.  Pants must be worn at the waist. No leggings, jeggings, skirts, or skorts
    • Student ID on lanyard or clip must be visible at all times.
    • Closed Toe Shoes (no sandals or Crocs)
    • When cooler temperatures arise, students may wear one of the following over their collared shirt: Bio-Med hoodie or any other official Bio-Med top
    • Bio-Med patch may be worn on plain colored hoodies or sweaters
  • NO Coats/Jackets may be worn inside during the school day.
  • Body jewelry, hairstyles and color may not interrupt the educational process or pose a safety issue.  Students will be in professional situations frequently and will need to represent themselves in such a manner or may lose the chance to participate in the opportunity.
  • Hats may not be worn in the school building at any time

Does Bio-Med have sports teams?

No. All students take Physical Education as part of their curriculum, but we do not have competitive high school or middle school sports teams.  Students are eligible to play sports at their school district of residence.

Does Bio-Med have clubs for special interests?

Yes. Students have created many different clubs and organizations that are focused on special interests. It’s easy to start a new club at Bio-Med. Current clubs and organizations include:

  • Esports
  • Student Council
  • Diversity Club
  • CyberPatriots
  • National Honor Society
  • Science Olympiad
  • Relay for Life
  • FFA
  • Robotics
  • Quiz Bowl
  • HOSA
  • Skills USA