Future Students
The Learning Journey
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
– Chinese Proverb attributed to Laozi
Learning is a never-ending journey.
It doesn’t stop when you’ve learned your multiplication tables.
It keeps going beyond a spelling test.
We’re here to help you along the journey that leads to your personal mountaintop.
Students will test their academic endurance while launching their individual goals to utilize their grit and develop skills to find their true north. Reflection on their journeys will broaden their future outlook through inward and outward evaluation.
Continuing their journey, students will begin to work on building their academic endurance through skill development, self awareness and training. Through their journey, students will begin to hone their interests for future areas of study and concentration.
Students will explore connections between content while beginning to show strong ownership of their learning journey through STEM. Securing their foundational skills through investigation will lead students to understand the importance of connections within our greater community.
Students will develop their natural curiosities while embarking on their learning journey through STEM. Students will be encouraged to ask questions about the world around them while developing a strong sense of community.