Designed and built with care, filled with creative elements

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Akron Public STEM School Cleveland
  /  Education   /  Stop Motion

Stop Motion

Ziggurat Marble RunZiggurat Marble Run                  

Project Title

Stop Motion

Project Description

For the stop-motion project students were asked to select and research an important event from the Great Depression or a program from the New Deal and create a film that teaches about their event or program. The video was to be five minutes in length, use a scale model of your event to accurately show the what occurred, and utilize at least 2 film techniques (stop motion, acting on a green screen, etc) to convey the events or program. Beyond the history components, the project challenges students to work on a large project in teams of 12, with work groups taking care of individual tasks.

Learning Objectives

  • Content Knowledge
  • Reading & Researching
  • Collaboration
  • Integration & Personal Agency
  • Exhibition and Presentation


  • Engineering
  • Social Studies

Grade Levels

  • 10th
  • 11th

“One of the most challenging and memorable projects I have complete at Bio-Med.” –  Student